• Decompression Instructor - Technical Divers

Decompression Instructor - Technical Divers

The TDI Decompression Procedures Instructor Course prepares the Advanced Nitrox Instructor to teach the theory, methods and procedures of planned staged decompression diving.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

While this course is taught in conjunction with TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor Course, it also can be paired with TDI Advanced Wreck Instructor as well as TDI

Decompression Procedures Instructor Course Prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18
  • Minimum certification of TDI Advanced Nitrox Instructor or equivalent (unless Advanced Nitrox Instructor course is taught in conjunction with Decompression Procedures Instructor)
  • Minimum certification of TDI Decompression Procedures diver or equivalent
  • Provide proof of 150 logged dives
  • Have certified 10 students in SDI Deep Diver or TDI Advanced Nitrox diver or equivalent

Course Standards & Procedures

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